Kadayawan Activities
Posted On Saturday, August 22, 2009 at at 7:20 PM by RaquelI had a great time straggling through busy streets of Davao yesterday. My family and I headed to People's Park as requested by my mom since she hasn't been there yet. When we were approaching the place, I noticed there were numberless of people forming three lines to trying to get inside. OMG! Can't imagine how we survived that.. phew! I kind of like it when my nephew started sight seeing. He was amazed seeing hundreds of people. lol. We roamed around and took some snap shots. We stopped at the playground watching the children playing. My nephew enjoyed it so much to the point that he wanted to join with these kids..lol.. Few minutes later, we decided to leave off the place and proceed to Mandarin to ea
t our dinner. It was a
second choice though since our first choice was
Port Cafe but then again mom refuses and prefer a restaurant nearby. Hahaizz. We had no choice but to grant her.. LOL. It was a wonderful dinner together. We arrived home at around 8pm. Take a nap, went online, changed my clothes then proceeded to Zed Pizza for Ale's Birthday Celebration and Michael's Despidida. Upon heading to Zed, I got stranded on the street due to heavy traffic so I decided to walk from Grand Menseng to Mercury Drug along Claveria to fetch my office mate/friend Chai. I arrived there with sweats flowing all over my body.. Ewww.. Our officemates were already in Zed Pizza when we arrived. It was my second time at Zed. There I saw Molit's friends namely Hazel and Pearl and also Lyra's boyfriend is present to celebrate the occassion with us. She and her bf leave off the place early. Nicky (Lyra's bf) has a class the following day. The Night Shift boys had their drinking session while teasing Kuya Erwin to do his dance moves but unfotunately they failed. Kuya Erwin didn't mind their shallow acts instead he just laughed at them.. LOL.. The party ended at 2pm. Good thing, Kuya Erwin brought a Van with him and the group headed to Magsaysay Park to eat Durian.. Weeeee.. That's how my day ended.. LOL.. It were all FREE though! All expenses were paid by them (Ale, Elton, Erwin, Michael).. Weeee.. Thanks for sharing your blessings guys.. Till next time.. LOL