How do I spend my 3 day off?
Posted On Monday, August 31, 2009 at at 6:53 PM by RaquelI just spent a 3 day off from work and it feels awesome to stay at home relaxing, baby sitting and doing some online "stuffs". I was planning to pampering myself on a Saturday night but the feeling of tiredness preceded that led to canceling the long time plan. Instead, I kept myself busy learning SEO and customizing my multiply account, since I haven't able to login to my account for ages now.. I was inspired by the people around me who kept on updating their respective multiply accounts. To know more about the things I did last weekend, here's a quick post below:
Right after my graveyard shift, I went home directly. I didn't know what comes out into my mind that I decided to go home early. I should have stayed at the office late since it's weekend and no work on Monday to commemorating National Heroes Day. While at home, I got a chance to play with my nephew, ate breakfast, had chit-chat with my aunt then sleep. I woke up at exactly 2pm turned on my computer, check my personal email, login into my facebook and customize my multiply account. It took me for hours in choosing my multiply theme and I am not yet satisfied with the result and so I stop. I guess I have to continue doing it when am ready and in good mood. lol. Since it was saturday, I do some blog hopping to give credits to those bloggers who kept on visiting my blog then I bumped to Kaiser's site. Kaiser is an officemate of mine who's now successful earning money through online from his multiple websites. He also owns a web hosting company too! I left an offline message to him through ym since am really eager to own a domain name in the future. I asked him about SEO and he's so nice to answer all my queries. I even throw a joke at him saying "pangadvertise jud ug taman sa akoa Kais". hehe. I read some articles that he gave me. A few hours later, I find it boring. lol. Need something to cheer me up. To spice up my night, I commented on my friends' photos, status, wrote on their walls, chat friends through facebook. Haha. It's already 1:30 am when I decided to sleep.
Woke up early. I don't know but for the past few weeks find it hard to get some enough sleep. I spotted my nephew taking his vitamins. Kissed him on the forehead. Played with him for about an hour and went to the corner of our house where my pc is located. As usual I went online to check my email, login to different sites if there are available opportunities for me. Unfortunately, there was none. Am still waiting for my other posts to get approved though. I saw some opportunities in PP but the price is too low so I didn't bother to get them. I wasn't able to join the dance workshop which is held at Metro Lifestyle every Sunday but I promise to participate on the said workshop next sunday that if am not busy.hehe. I was sleeping that time when my sister kept on bugging me. gah-! so hate it! I had no choice but to get off from bed and had my nails polished. Ate dinner and took a bath after. Went online while watching TV. I received a text from an officemate saying that they were in Torres. But I chose not to come with them. Aside from the fact that I don't have extra budget, long vacation comes only once in a blue moon ofcourse I want to spend it with family. Stayed late at night since monday is a National Heroes Day..
Monday came and still feeling it was weekend. Last day of the month. So excited to know that after this day is the beginning of "BER" months which everyone is looking forward to. My sister in law went to Tagum to celebrate her mom's death anniversary. She didn't bring with her my nephew. I don't know what her reason was. Maybe she anticipated that it's going to rain. Yeah she was correct because the rain poured so hard at Noon. Thank God she didn't bother to take her son with her. Doing the usual things I love like went online, check email, login to different sites and a lot more. I was about to take a bath when I heard someone calling my name.. I was in the state of shock when I saw my officemates try to getting inside. hey guys! what are you doing here? :(( I know it were Elton and Majar's idea to go to our house. argh! They should have informed me so that I can cook for them. :(( I didn't know that they'll pursue their plan. After an hour, they bid goodbye since Michael and Malette have to accompany James in going home. While Elton and Majar stayed at Sandawa to visit Elton's cousins and Odrale went to Bangkal to do his own business. lol. After which, got the chance to watch "Tayong Dalawa".. I so love this tv series. The story is one of a kind compared to other tv programs that have been already broadcasted.
Whew! That's how I spent my 3 day off from work. I was so glad that God gave me quality time to spend it with my family, officemates and the like. I look forward to more holidays to come! weeeeee. :)
Choosing the best Web Host
Posted On Friday, August 28, 2009 at at 11:04 AM by RaquelAccording to wikipedia Web Host is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to provide their own website accessible via www (world wide web). In other words to get your site on the net, you will need a hosting service provider. One way of selecting a best web host is to take the selection process one at a time. It doesn't mean that the most expensive web hosting service providers are the best it is still advisable to compare their prices and the services they offer before you finalize one.
First thing to consider is to determine what you plan to host. Identify what are the things needed for your website. A hosting provider would assign you a certain amount of web space on their servers and provides you with sufficient bandwidth for efficient data transfer. It is important that the web host company should be able to provide you with ample of space. A best web host company offers up-time up to 99%. There should be a guarantee that their servers are up all the time and that your website must be accessible during peak and especially during non-peak hours. You need to make sure that the web host you chose offers FTP access especially when you want to expand and enhance your online business later. Since most of the companies allow you to design your website using their own website builder.
If you want to know that the web host you chose has positive reviews is best for you. A comprehensive guide to create a successful website. They have selected each web host based on the credibility and the reputation of people behind these companies.
Real Property Management - Makes owning a property enjoyable
Posted On Tuesday, August 25, 2009 at at 11:22 PM by RaquelI find a cool website Real Property Management which specializes in the management of single family homes, apartment units and homeowner's associations. No worries about this company since they have managed thousands of rental properties nationwide for over 20 years with a well-trained, professional staffs, managers, accountant and maintenance personnel.
As a full service management company, they offer credit screening, tenant placement, property inspections, collections, maintenance, evictions and monthly financial reporting. If you are looking for an apartment or home to rent, click here to search available places.. :)
Kadayawan Activities
Posted On Saturday, August 22, 2009 at at 7:20 PM by RaquelI had a great time straggling through busy streets of Davao yesterday. My family and I headed to People's Park as requested by my mom since she hasn't been there yet. When we were approaching the place, I noticed there were numberless of people forming three lines to trying to get inside. OMG! Can't imagine how we survived that.. phew! I kind of like it when my nephew started sight seeing. He was amazed seeing hundreds of people. lol. We roamed around and took some snap shots. We stopped at the playground watching the children playing. My nephew enjoyed it so much to the point that he wanted to join with these Few minutes later, we decided to leave off the place and proceed to Mandarin to ea
t our dinner. It was a
second choice though since our first choice was
Port Cafe but then again mom refuses and prefer a restaurant nearby. Hahaizz. We had no choice but to grant her.. LOL. It was a wonderful dinner together. We arrived home at around 8pm. Take a nap, went online, changed my clothes then proceeded to Zed Pizza for Ale's Birthday Celebration and Michael's Despidida. Upon heading to Zed, I got stranded on the street due to heavy traffic so I decided to walk from Grand Menseng to Mercury Drug along Claveria to fetch my office mate/friend Chai. I arrived there with sweats flowing all over my body.. Ewww.. Our officemates were already in Zed Pizza when we arrived. It was my second time at Zed. There I saw Molit's friends namely Hazel and Pearl and also Lyra's boyfriend is present to celebrate the occassion with us. She and her bf leave off the place early. Nicky (Lyra's bf) has a class the following day. The Night Shift boys had their drinking session while teasing Kuya Erwin to do his dance moves but unfotunately they failed. Kuya Erwin didn't mind their shallow acts instead he just laughed at them.. LOL.. The party ended at 2pm. Good thing, Kuya Erwin brought a Van with him and the group headed to Magsaysay Park to eat Durian.. Weeeee.. That's how my day ended.. LOL.. It were all FREE though! All expenses were paid by them (Ale, Elton, Erwin, Michael).. Weeee.. Thanks for sharing your blessings guys.. Till next time.. LOL
Rapidshare Search Engine
Posted On Thursday, August 13, 2009 at at 1:27 AM by RaquelI just discovered Rapid4me - Rapidshare Search Engine where you can find video, music and games. I'm pretty sure each one of us has at least once searched for some files and downloaded them from rapidshare. This site is more convenient because it doesn't need additional expenses but at the same time much more time is needed for the search and download. was created in accordance with all users' requests. For a relatively short period of existence it managed to find its own place in the internet community. Furthermore, for the last month the number of users has increased significantly. Users more often give preference to its resource, it only means that they have found here exactly what they are looking for in a good rapidshare search engine.
Photo Shoot at Eden Nature Park with Team Maniniyot
Posted On Tuesday, August 11, 2009 at at 7:29 PM by RaquelLove these shots.. Thank you so much Guys! More photos will be uploaded later.. Thanks a lot! ;)
Photos were taken during our Photo Shoot at Eden Nature Park. Indeed, it was a great experience! It was my pleasure to work with Team Maniniyot.. Till next time.. ahehehe
Choosing the Best Web Hosting Provider
Posted On Monday, August 10, 2009 at at 4:31 PM by RaquelThe best way to select a quality webhosting company is to take the selection process one step at a time. In order to get your website on the net, you will need a web hosting provider. The first thing to consider in choosing a web hosting service provider for your needs is to identify what those needs are. It is important to determine what you plan to host. A web hosting company would assign you a certain amount of web space on their server. You need to ensure that it does have the right amount of space for your website. It's peremptory that the hosting company should be able to provide you with ample of space. The best hosting service provider will offer uptime up to 99 percent. There should be a guarantee that their servers are up all the time both peak and non-peak hours. Slow working websites are very frustrating. Your website must be accessible during peak and non-peak hours. Their must secure your website from intruders. Make sure that the web host company offers 24/7 Tech and Email Support Service to answer all your queries. You need to ensure if the web hosting company provides you with sufficient bandwidth for efficient data transfer. It doesn't mean that the most expensive web hosts are the best. It is still best to compare prices and the services they offer before you choose. This can be very crucial. Since most of the hosting companies allow you to design your web pages with their own personal web builder. However, you need to make sure that they provide you the facility to expand later when you enhance your online business. If you want to make sure that the web host you chose has positive feedback and reviews, web hosting geeks is the right for you. You need to ensure that you're getting the best and quality services for the money you invest with them.. :)
The "Photo Cover"
Posted On at at 4:38 AM by RaquelI love the photo cover that Kiev made.. Weeeeeeeee... These were some of the photos that were taken during our Photo Shoot at Eden Nature Park yesterday.. Now I know how hard it is to become a "Model". Hehehe.. That was a great experience! One of the memorable event I'll never forget in my entire life.
Will upload more photos later.. Weeeeee... What a great opportunity! :)
Are you looking for New and Used Cars?
Posted On Saturday, August 1, 2009 at at 6:08 PM by RaquelSearching for Used Cars can be both frustrating and time consuming. I have been searching for a while now and came across a website by the name of BuyYourCar. If you're looking for New Cars, Used Cars, Car Lease, is the best place to start. has a massive database of used cars. They offer the cheapest prices for a second hand cars. You can be guaranteed that the cost of second hand cars are competitive. BuyYourCar is UK website that has thousands of used Honda cars, used Audi cars, used Ford cars, Used Mercedes Cars, infact it is very fair to say that they have thousands of used cars fullstop. This website has the perfect answer with huge discounts on new cars all direct from main franchised dealership. BuyYourCar ensures that you can find the most competitive contract hire and car leasing deals in the UK. ;)