Just a thought before the year 2008 ends
Posted On Wednesday, December 31, 2008 at at 4:47 AM by RaquelIt has been a roller coaster ride for me for the year 2008. If i only knew what we had will ended up this bad, I should have done this before he did! I don't want to talk about it anymore. It still gets under my skin. He's more than a sh*t! that's all i can say about him period!!
Year 2009 will be the time to look forward to. It is the beginning of a new day for the rest of our lives. We should all be optimistic about today and the future ahead of us. Remember, what a person thinks plays a vital role to the outcomes in their life. Forget the past, it does no good, only harm to be thinking of those problems. Leave old hurts behind in 2008. There's so much to be thankful for.
Another year is yet to come. If anyone hurts you, it is healthiest to not hate but instead feel pity for him/her since he/she is the one who has lost the chance of your love and he/she is the one who is fickle and may not again find love and happiness.
May the New Year give you peace, joy and happiness to your hearts! Happy New Year Everyone!
Love will lead you back?
Posted On Tuesday, December 30, 2008 at at 10:00 PM by RaquelGrrrr.. I was in front of my personal computer having some chit chat with my officemate Mylene when my mom turned on the radio and tuned up to her favorite station when suddenly the station played "Love will Lead you Back". Grrr.. It was my favorite song way back but NOT until when i experienced painful unforgettable moments. You know the LOVE thing. He's the reason why i changed a bit! Grrr.
Soon i'll going to post what had happened to me last Christmas! and mind you it was the worse Christmas i ever had! I'm kinda busy at the moment with other extra curricular activities. :-)
♥ What a wonderful message.. ♥
Posted On Monday, December 29, 2008 at at 9:03 PM by Raquel→ My client and I were in the middle of a chat conversation when suddenly hilary asked me "How are you?" and so I told her everything that bothers me. At first I'm hesitant to open up my personal problems to her but I remember what her mom had told me a week ago. she said that i can tell them anything. I was shocked when hilary replied to my msn and gave me some piece of advise. For me, it means a lot! Thanks anyways! :-)
Punk Chat City
Posted On at at 7:34 PM by RaquelI came across to this very exciting website Punk Chat, it is a new place for punkers to meet and chat. It is so easy to join and participate in their punk chat rooms. All you need to do is register for a completely free account and enjoy checking out their chat rooms where plenty of punk users from all over the world come together in their chatrooms. What makes it more exciting is that, it's totally and absolutely FREE! You don't have to pay for anything! Your free membership comes with Free Live Webcam Chat Rooms. The sign up process would only take 2 to 3 minutes. Visit this website now http://www.punkchatcity.com/ and fill out the fields below. Please don't forget to put a check mark on the Terms and Conditions and hit "Enter the Chat" button.
Register now and start chatting, seeing and communicating with all of the punk users signed up on this website. It's pretty cool to get the chance to talk, chat and meet with all of those punkers who live in different parts of the world. What are you waiting for? Try now and see how exciting it is to get involved with other punkers. Create an account now and see how it works!
♥ A day with officemates ♥
Posted On at at 6:52 PM by Raquel♥ Yesterday, we got the chance to watch a Metro Manila Film Festival entry titled "Shake Rattle and Roll X". This is a memorable day for us since this is the first time that the guys namely: Majar, Cliff and Erwin are the ones who invited the girls to watch a tagalog movie. Knowing them, they are not fond of watching tagalog movies. hahaha..
The movie consists of 3 episodes. The title of the 3 episodes are: Episode 1- "Emergeny", Episode 2 - "Class Picture" and Episode 3 - "Nieves: The Encanto Slayer". In fairness, it was a good movie except for the episode 1. The main stars of "Emergency" are Roxanne Guinoo and JC de Vera. Wendell Ramos and Mylene Dizon played as Zombie (hmmm i am not really sure what they called..hehe). Honestly, we didn't like the story of it. It was shot in all the hospitals in Luzon. Both episodes 2 and 3 were the best! "Class Picture" stars Kim Chiu and Gerald Anderson. On the other hand, episode 3 stars Marian Rivera known as Nieves, Diana Zubiri and Pekto (the love interest of Marian in the Movie) and etc.
We watched the Movie at the Gmall. Michael unfortunately didn't join us since he wasn't informed about it and so with Lyra. hehehe.. bfn*
♥ Cebu-Bohol Tour '09 ♥
Posted On Saturday, December 27, 2008 at at 9:01 PM by RaquelWhile surfing on the Internet we bumped into Cebu Pacific's website http://www.cebupacificair.com and we were glad to know that they offer a zero fare rate in any domestic flights but of course with a given period of time. Mylene asked us if we're going to pursue our planned trip because we'll be using her credit card for the payment. This trip was planned 3 months ago and so we're all excited for the moment to come! weeeee...
Weeee.. the long wait is over! Some of us filed a vacation leave before the trip so they have more time to prepare. Lyra, Jay, Cliff, Michael and I are on duty. We work on a graveyard shift. weeee...
■ Departure Area at the Davao International Airport last December 4, 2008.■ My moments.. Tsk Tsk Tsk. My solo pics in different parts of the world.. hahaha..
■ We traveled for 2 hours from Cebu to Bohol by water via Weesam Express 8. We arrived at Tagbilaran City at around 4pm. We headed to Island City Mall to buy some stuffs and some food to eat. It was already dark when we arrived at my auntie's house. We had no choice but to stay in the house till morning. We ate our dinner and have some chit chats. After the dinner, we bond. We watched "The Ruins". Lyra and I didn't mind the ending of the movie. It feels that our body will collapsed. huhuhu.. We feel asleep. :-)
■ At the Loboc Museum in Bohol.■ Day 2 in Bohol:After at the Loboc Museum, we headed to Man-Made forest. We took some pictures. We didn't mind the busses, jeepneys passing by.. :-)
■ Weeee... Wacky pics! :-)
■ At the Chocolate Hills. It was so hot when we arrived in the place. Grrr.. What about the stairs? hmmm no comment.. Come and visit Bohol and see it for yourself. haha
■ Next stop the "Sagbayan Peak"! We enjoyed our snap visit in SagbayanPeak. It's a perfect place for kids.
■ Weeee.. Where am I? Am in the Disneyland? hahaha..
■ Chillin' out.. Disneyland? ambisyosa!
■ At the Hinagdanan Cave. It was already 3pm and we haven't eaten our lunch yet. Pasabta! :-(
■ It was a great experience! We really had fun and we enjoyed our stay in Bohol. Though it was only a 2 day stay but, we made sure to make the most out of it. It was a great feeling to spend your vacation to people who had been already part of your life! I value the friendship that we already have. I'll never forget these days! surely.. :-)
■ On our way to Cebu. At Weesam Express.■ We arrived in Cebu at 2pm (Saturday, December 6, 2008). We directly headed to Odrale's aunt in Talisay, Cebu. Approximately a 30 minute ride from the City proper. At 8pm, Me, Amie and Aubrey went to IT Park in Lahug Cebu City to meet up the Cebu Bloggers namely Miong and Jorich. Jorich is my team mate/officemate in 1and1 way back a year ago.
■ At "The Walk". IT Park, Lahug Cebu City.■ Party Time at Mango Square. Saturday Night Fever isn't over yet! weee.. Party party party..
■ 2nd Day in Cebu. At the Taoist Temple. A Sacred place.. The place is great. It was over looking the city proper. The houses near Taoist were all big! weee...
■ At Magellan's Cross. It's not my first time to go to this place. I stayed in Cebu City almost a year. I worked as a Technical Support Rep. at 1and1 internet phils. inc located in IT Park.
■ Our 5-day Vacation is almost over.. huhuhu.. Our last night was filled with moments. Videoke, inom2x, bonding2x and etc.
■ The moment is here. It's time to fly back to Davao. huhuhu.. Indeed, it was a great feeling yet an expensive vacation ever! hehehe.. No other things can compare what we have had experienced. I did enjoy our vacation! Somehow, it tightens our bond together. The bond of Friendship. I'm going to treasure this tour for the rest of my life! It may not be perfect but it's one of the best vacation i had. Just want to thank you guys for making me feel whole again.
■ Weeee... Arrival.. We arrived at the Davao International Airport around 11:50 am, Monday morning (December 8, 2008).
♥ Jhowell's Birthday ♥
Posted On Friday, December 26, 2008 at at 11:33 PM by RaquelWeee... On the 25th day of December, we were able to celebrate Christmas at Jhowell's place. It was his 26th birthday. I didn't expect that Jhowell is serious on his mass invitation through yahoo messenger. Knowing jhowell, he isn't serious in everything he says. (peace jho!). until i received a confirmation message from him. weee.. kaon na pud! Only few who make it! Mylene wasn't able to come with us. Lyra didn't make it as well since it was their monthsary.. She is with her boyfriend. Molit and Gemini are in Tagum and Bukidnon.
Kuya Erwin picked me up at Sandawa since he'll be bringing a van with him.. pakkk! sosyal jud ni atoang me amego oi! tsk tsk tsk. We headed to Mcdo near Victoria Plaza. While on our way, we had a hard time finding the Green bank. :-( the only "palatandaan" which will lead us to jhowell's crib. huhuhu. We were going in circles.. huhuhu.. Until, jhowell saw us. weee..
Daghana ug handa oi! as in! I was so full. Name the food you like to eat and they all have it! :-) Belated Happy Birthday Jho! :-)
Up for the Challenge
Posted On at at 10:07 PM by RaquelAre you up for the XML Challenge? Well, this is your chance to show how good you are in XML. The xml contest, is open to all students and professionals. Consists of five different contests, each of it offers its own recognition and set of prizes.
The range of skills comprehend those with a passing interest in XML and database technology to those with superb programming skills in DB2. But before you can join the contest, you'll first need to take a Quick Quiz, a short quiz that requires no prior XML or database experience.
Open an account now, and start registering for one of the following contests:
* Video Contest
* Gadget Contest
* Query Contest
* Ported App Contest1
* XML2 Contest
♥ Christmas Party '09 ♥
Posted On at at 6:58 PM by RaquelIt was indeed a successful Christmas Party for the AOV employees which was held at Mergrande Ocean Resort last December 20, 2008. We had planned to meet up in the office at 5pm but for some reason some of us didn't make it.. hehehe.. The party started at 6pm but Lyra and I arrived at around 7:30 pm. Upon going to Mergrande, we rode a taxi and the driver didn't know the place where we were going to! Whaatttt?!!! Manong, taga asa d i ka? (Manong, where are you from?).. hehehe.. and i told my buddy "gurl, please take over manong's place!" haha.. (kay murag mas nakatuod pa man tawon ka!hehe)
Anyways, Maam Jo was the one who led the program. She was in the middle of her speech when we arrived. After her speech was dinner time! Forget all other things except "picture2x"..hahaha..
In the middle of the program, as usual inom2x na sad. Some of us in our group did participate in parlor games sponsored by the Admin. There were also recognitions given to some of the Agents. Mylene awarded as Best in Attendance. Congrats Mai! To top it all, Michael Wales was the highlight of the party. He was awarded as this year's Employee of the Year! Wow! ikaw na jud na Mic! Congrats. You deserve it!
I feel so dizzy infact, i vomited. huhuhu.. and i experienced a severe headache that's why i decided not to join with them in hearing the 4:30 am mass as much as i wanted to.. huhuhu.. I went home at around 4am. (gihatod ko nila tanan..weee.. thanks guys!)
It was Great! At least i tend to forget all the painful experiences that had happened to me courtesy ofcourse by my STUPID ex or whatsoever!!!!!
♥ Disclosure Policy ♥
Posted On at at 6:15 PM by RaquelThis policy is valid from December 26, 2008.
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.
This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. We believe in honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post will be clearly identified as paid or sponsored content.
The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
This blog does contain content which might present a conflict of interest. This content may not always be identified.
To get your own policy, go to http://www.disclosurepolicy.org
Black Chat City
Posted On Tuesday, December 23, 2008 at at 11:32 AM by RaquelI was browsing in the internet until i hooked up with this very exciting website. BlackChatCity.com is where you can find plenty of Black people from anywhere in the world who come together in their Black Chat Rooms. You get a chance to chat with hundreds of black users all over the world. Using your free membership, you can start broadcasting your internet cam and let people see and talk you while checking out their video cam.
Guaranteed 100% Free Membership with Free Live Webcam Chat Rooms! So what are you waiting for? Sign up and start chatting now.
Posted On Tuesday, December 9, 2008 at at 2:02 PM by Raquel
I do believe that everything happens for its own good reason. In due time, you'll be able to figure out what its main purpose. In times of troubles, prayer is considered as the secret weapon to survive in every struggles that life has to offer.
Just never give up, have faith in God and continue on Praying. God knows what's best for you.
What a Birthday Surprise!! Grrrr
Posted On Thursday, November 27, 2008 at at 10:14 AM by RaquelYesterday, Nov. 26, I celebrated my 25th birthday. at first, my bday was quite boring. It wasn't what i wanted to! I treated my officemates at Famous then after dumaan kami ni Molit sa church para mag light ng candle. I got home at around 10 am then nagdrama2 pa so natulog ako at 11 am na. (BTW, thanks so much to all who greeted me. I really appreciate it). Actually, months ago hindi talaga ito ang plans ko for my bday but for some instance, hindi nangyari ang bagay na gusto kong mangyari. Sad to say. I go to the church na mag isa lang ako at 6 pm. wala na pa lang mass nun so nag light na lang ako ng candle then nag dasal. Alam mo yung feeling na bday na bday mo tapos ang dami mong hinanakit na na fefeel sa dibdib mo. Hindi talaga ganito ang plans ko for my bday. :-( I must admit hindi ako happy nung bday ko hindi naman sa hindi talaga ako masaya it's just that there's something missing na meron talagang emptiness. I know in my heart na meron talagang missing. kakalungkot lang kasi hindi ko ine expect na ganito mangyayari. :-( After which, nag text ung frend ko sa college na c levy sabi nya nasa bahay na daw xa so nagmadali akong umuwi then yun pagdating ko dun sa haus namin nandun na ung frend ko. he brought a cake for me.. buti pa xa.. :-( and so i decided na gumala na lang kami after namin mag eat sa hauz and so i'm thinking na mag Recreo kami so un na. hinintay namin c twinnie sa haus den sabay2 na kaming tatlo papuntang recreo. tinext ko na lang c jay ung isa ko pang kaklase na sa recreo na lang kami magkita and after 10 minutes dumating xa. kanta lang ako ng kanta dun.. then dumating din c dennis and c jeser. so anim lang kami lahat. alam nila na me problema ako kaya un kahit na kumakanta ako alam nila na there's something on me. :-(
And here it goes....
Dumating ako sa haus at around 1:30 am. kinausap ako ng mama ko and sabi nya wala na daw sa hauz ung kuya ko and yung asawa niya BECAUSE OF ME. and sabi pa ng mama ko na hindi daw ako gusto ng asawa ng kuya ko.. Hilasan daw xa sa akoa, pamati daw ko, feeling hari daw ko, superior daw ko sa hauz.. :-( sakit kaau para sa akoa.. she doesn't have the right to judge me! hindi pa niya ako kilala. she doesn't know me very well! sana man lang nirespeto niya ung bday ko sa bday ko pa talaga cla umalis! honestly, naawa ako sa mama ko kasi sa nangyayari xa talaga ung affected masyado. nakikita ko un sa mga mata niya. :-( pano kung may nangyari sa mama ko? ni hindi nya na nirespeto mama ko. sana man lang inisip nya ang kalagayan ng mama ko. kahit noon pa wala akong problema sa kanya xa lang pala tong may galit sa akin sa simula pa lang. and sabi ng mama ko sa kanya, ganyan naman talaga yan c raquel dati pa. and besides hindi ka naman sinasaktan ni raquel. All day, iyak lang ako ng iyak. natulog ako around 2 am, pag gising ko iyak na naman ako until afternoon. hahayy.. what a bday surprise! hindi mo ma fefeel kung gaano kasakit until ikaw na mismo ang nakaranas.. :-(
Anyways, here are our photos..